A Purposeful Life

 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

Full of Purpose

Can you recall the first time when you discovered "the truth" from God and believed your purpose on earth is? For me, I was 18 at a summer youth camp who knew of Jesus but didn't believe why he had to die for my sins and was raised to live. A devotional study I was at that camp, educated me on what a true hero was. The truth is seeing what God's true purpose was to save all humanity. Not just the people in the past but for all generations who encounter the gospel could be saved just by believing in Jesus who loves me and died for me to live for him. My paradigm of Christianity shifted as I moved forward to my adulthood, even when I stepped into F.O.C.U.S at Collin and learned my purpose as a disciple. Following Jesus' example of what it means to be created in the image of God (or what it means to be human) starts with Jesus. Our purpose of living life to the full (John 10:10) is by living a purposeful life with God that started from the beginning.

Humanity was created as "very good" by God at the beginning. We were first created to garden and co-create with God and bless others with what we create. Everything we do should reflect the image of God. But we rather find our purpose and become gods ourselves rather than trust the one true God who gave us purpose. As followers of Jesus, we have freedom from willful sin but invites us to love our freedom with full purpose and not continue to live in sin. Read what Paul says to the church in Corinth when he challenged them for participating at pagan dinner parties that worshiped other idols. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."  Our freedom should be expressed for the greater good rather than living what we feel is goodWe are God's representatives in the workplace and where our feet are, that is our mission to be salt and light to the world for unbelievers to see Christ through us.

I hope this message encourages you to think in your workplace, and what living purposefully looks like for you.

My Reflection Over the Semester

The semester has finally wrapped up for Fall 2021, and what a wonderful semester it has been. I've reflected some of the joy and tough challenges I faced over the past four months, and I would not trade it for anything. When I think about my tough trials, I am reminded by the apostle James when he said, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:2-4). And Apostle Paul, "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us" (Romans 5:3-5). The work I do for Jesus is never always easy because Satan will do at any cost to try and stop me from doing God's work. Satan will try to throw me off with lies what my purpose is, but God has been teaching and coaching me to remain secure in His truth, what my purpose is and not let any lies shake me. 

Overall, God has been so good and teaching new things through marriage, college ministry, and reading 1 corinthians with the general staff. Continue to pray for me for new growing opportunities next year

Preston Ridge Update

When November hits, students are basically feeling done with school and a good number of them will decide not to show up to class. As for me, the mission still goes on and there's no skip day. Outreach this month has been a hit or miss. At the beginning of the semester, students would sit and hang out outside at the courtyard (where students can walk from building to building). There have been a couple of great days to bring a sports bag and toss the football or play spike ball on the grass and have fun. Mostly, my student leader and I would walk from building to building looking for students who look bored and on their phone and approach them to have a conversation. One student in particular I met was name Joseph. Joseph just finished class and was walking outside heading to the library, until my friend Tom stopped him and asked him to have a quick conversation and ask him how his semester was going. Tom, Joseph and I had an awesome time of having fun conversations, bringing joy and building bridges to have life on campus. The most encouraging thing happened was Joseph texted me a day later asking if there were any Bible study groups at Collin? I was very thrilled and encouraged to see God is showing me there are students who are seeking Godly friendships. 

Not every student I have encounter are interested to join F.O.C.U.S with us, but A LOT of students recognize me on campus and say hello to me and know I am a campus pastor on the Preston Ridge campus. That matters more to me. To know that I'm not here to just build friendships for personal gain, but to live the commission of Jesus and shine His light on college campus unashamed. Please continue to pray with me and for me and my coworker Adriana as we still look after broken people at Preston Ridge.

Photos from November!!

I took some of the Preston Ridge students and treat them to a game of bowling at Main Event in Frisco. I really enjoyed hanging out with these guys not just only in small group nights. This was a good investment of fellowship with these good guys.

Our last Wednesday night CORE by playing video games and discuss how to plan a purposeful break when school ends.

Our Friday morning CORE group at Chick-Fil-A! (Not everyone is there) Our group has grown slowly and its super encouraging to see these guys willing to come meet every Friday morning (when they don't have class) to learn about God! 

Wow.. Nine months have passed by so quickly and I am still learning about marriage. God has been humbling and revealing the ugly parts of myself, and Caitlin is a great wife and disciple! She helps me see some of that and challenge me why I think certain way that doesn't show Christ, and why I take certain things personally. I am beyond thankful for how much she continues to bear with me and extend love and grace to me for my shortcomings. I love her so much and blessed to have her in my life. I look forward what the next years and challenges will come. 

WE REACHED OUR GOAL! Thank you to all who gave and prayed for us to raise our goal to keep making disciples on college campuses!

Prayer Requests:

1. Winter Camp: We didn't get the scholarship funds from Collin College to help our students go to Winter camp. Please be praying for our students to get to go regardless what financial situation they're in. If you would like to help and support a student, please contact me how you can help.

2. Safe and restful holiday break for the students and the staff.

3. For Collin FOCUS to have a clear vision and direction to minister our students for spring 2022.

Thank you and have a happy holiday and new year!!


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