Summer Updates

Hey everybody, so Summer FOCUS is going smoothly, it's so nice to see people in-person again! Ministry is trucking along, and fundraising has been going. Here's some life updates that I want to share about!

Summer FOCUS is finally back! We meet at CARE Church in Richardson to have a building to worship and hear our staff give a sermon to our students. This photo is super encouraging to see everyone back together and worshipping God. Our sermon series we've been going through is "seeking a deeper intimacy with Jesus". Our staff who have been selected to give a sermon share their vulnerable stories how amazing Jesus is, and continues to grow them in their journey of struggles. Pray our students will be impacted by their stories to seek a deeper intimacy with God through Jesus.

My friend Austin got married to one of our staff members Taylor this past month. This was a sweet moment to see one of my close friends taking a next step in life. Austin and I met back in Collin 2015, and I had the opportunity to study scripture with and share life with him for many years. Very proud of him.

One of my favorite things I enjoy my work in ministry is
 having fun with students like my friend Logan. Ministry
is not just the deep intellectual studies of scripture, but
 having fun and sharing life together. We play sports together 
like spike ball or basketball. Since Texas is getting hot, 
we've gone to a swimming pool with other guys in our 
ministry to relax.

Thank you!

Thank you so much to my ministry partners for your generous monetary gifts. Your support for me and God's mission here on these college campuses have blessed me beyond just what I get to do as a job. Please continue to pray for me and the rest of our staff for guidance and energy for the coming school year.


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