The Good Shepherd: Who is the good Shepherd?

Intro: Who is the good Shepherd?

    When you think about a shepherd, what immediate thoughts come to mind? Maybe my idea thoughts are identical to yours. I think of a middle eastern man dressed in a robe with a staff, and the sheep follow him. I did some research and learned that the success of a shepherd or shepherdess is in the compassion they have for each individual. This means being able to identify a sick or injured sheep or lamb within a flock of HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of sheep. That is mind-blowing! We see in the Bible God is described as a good shepherd; why is that? In your own time, go read John 10:1-18, Psalms 23, Luke 15:4-7,  Micah 2:12, and Isaiah 40:10-11. 
    What's more extraordinary about Jesus' parable in John 10 is he calls himself the good shepherd, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down for his life for the sheep" (John 10:11). The most important feature of Jesus' role is that he lays down his life for the sheep. He intends to love and protect his people. So much that he is willing to come between the flock and any danger. I remember when God rescued me from my mistakes as an 18-year-old just out of high school. As one who claimed to be a Christian but was flirting with the ways of the world, I went through a bad relationship and started turning to alcohol and weed.
    I remember waking up with a hangover, sick to my stomach, at a strangers house. I will never forget this prayer from God as I said, "God, I don't feel so good. This isn't me, and you know this isn't me. I will do anything you want me to do if you can get rid of this sickness from me. Amen". After that, God heard my prayer, and I was healed! The sickness from my stomach went away, and instead felt God's grace and mercy on me. He saw me as one of his "sheep" and ran after me. This is an example of how good God is a loving shepherd. There are over billions of people present in this world that God sees as his flock. He recognizes the sickness, pain, and weakness of each one. What can stop the good shepherd from protecting his flock? I pray you to sit and meditate through this and reflect on how God has guided you through tough seasons. In October and November's blog, I will continue this blog series about the good shepherd.

Let the Three Years begin!

Earlier in August, our staff and apprentice every year who's first committing or recommitting to our ministry participate in an ordination ceremony. As a student, this ministry has equipped me to be a better minister and a lover of Jesus. It is such an honor and a blessing to commit to three years of serving the students in this ministry.

Meet the Squad!

This year at Collin, we have a small student leader team but a bigger staff team leading core. Every staff person (minus Garrett and Dani) is paired up with a student, or two, who we invited to lead a core with them. The pictures below is my peer team, who I am co-leading with Pedro this year. Pray that our corefas this year will grow deep in their relationship with God and act with boldness to reach out to new students on our campuses in this weird time.
Left to right: Alden, Joey, Adam, Eric, Matt, Tony, Collin

This is Eric. I am excited to co-lead a core with him at Collin College McKinney Campus. He's very thoughtful and considerate about people, and always quick to go the extra mile. He's also an instructor at a Krav Maga gym in Plano! me together to reach out to the McKinney campus.

This is Liam. Liam is a returning corefa this Fall semester at Collin and plans to transfer to UNT in Spring '21. I am co-leading a core with Liam at the Spring Creek campus, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for him.

This is Matt. He is leading a core with our apprentice, Adam. Matt is a sweet guy with a kind heart. When we get together, he's very engaging and intentional in our conversations. He is also a funny guy to be around with!

Corefa Prep Day. Preparing our Corefas for the beginning of the semester.

Please continue to pray for our staff team and our student leaders this year. Your prayers and support are very much needed. God bless


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