
Showing posts from January, 2020

Heading Into the New Year!

2019-2020 FOCUS apprentices at staff Christmas party Reflection over the semester! The first half of my apprenticeship has completed and it's been an incredible journey! Many friends and family have asked me, "How's your apprenticeship coming along?" Here's my response; The apprenticeship has been teaching me how good of a God we serve and that he tremendously loves us despite how much we mess up. God has shown me some of my blind spots and that He is not upset or impatient with me in fixing it. He calls me to be faithful and trust that He is good and is making me into a new creation. The classes have been a blessing to help me build a deep understanding of Biblical theology, how to be a good steward with my money, and improving a healthier physical lifestyle. As this semester ends, a new semester begins for new growth opportunities and students to minister. Please join me this new year in prayer for new students coming to Collin.  Christmas Card Outrea...