The End of the Apprenticeship!
It's Over?!?! Okay, hold up a second! Has it been ten months already? Did time just fly by?! It's so crazy to me. It feels like just yesterday as I was going through the orientation in August. Wow... This apprenticeship program has helped me grow to be a better disciple, pastor, and friend. Throughout the past ten months, my brain was stretch with new information about God and ministry, and there was only so much I could only consume. Here's a gif that describes my apprenticeship year as a whole: There are so many things I and take away from the apprenticeship that I can't list them all. The top two I can say were. First, the classes I took. When I was applying for the apprenticeship, I doubted if I could go through it and learn anything because of my learning disabilities. I was afraid of not meeting up to the staff's expectations and feeling left behind. I talked to Brandon Worsham over the phone about it, and he gave me enough encouragement to not feel...